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Updated: 2023-11-13

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Monday, February 7, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Monday, February 7, 2022

Dining with the family.

Dining with the family.

Dining with the family.

Dining with the family.

This is our last day in the Green Park Resort. Moue comes to pick us up at about ten oçlock.
We both slept moderately in the Green Park Resort and we wake up early.
At half past seven the last breakfast is ready at the table next to door.
Mail of the hospital is also ready at the reception. It appears to be testing certificates with stamps and names of doctors.

After breakfast we start pack our luggage and taking a shower. We are ready at ten and at a quarter past ten Moue is arriving.
We pay the bill for the beer, (120 THB per can !!!), deliver the thermometers in and leave.

Tom wants to drink coffee on the way to Lat Kranag at Amazon and we do that, hot espresso.
Pia wants to go to the bank as quickly as possible, see if her bank card still works and put an app on her phone. We stop at the Kasikorn Bank in Hua Ta Kee.
We go to Moue's house in Lat Krabang where we will sleep most of the time this journet when we are in Bangkok. On the way we see that a restaurant where we liked to eat unfortunately is closed.
We take out most luggage and clear the suitcases and bags.
Then we go to the Paseo Lat Krabang for some shopping, something against mosquitoes, something against eczema, milk, bread, cheese. . Here we se that also Wine Connection unfortunatley is closed. There is something different in the building, it looks like something with car parts, but later we also see chairs and tables outside, if we have more time we look further.

At home, Luuk Naam, a niece, with her husband, her child and her mother Phranom also arrived. That child has a disease, of which we do not know the name, but one of the appearances can be wine stains. With this boy, the characteristics are the unability to control the leg muscles in particular. Fortunately it is a cheerful kid.
It is decided to eat outside, and we come to คคัว ผู้ ใหญ่ ปุ้ม ออห ป่ ป่ป่ (not possible to translate). The food is tasty, but also unfortunately pretty spicy. We are back at around nine o'clock.

Link: Kasikorn Bank.

Written on: 2022-02-08


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